The Coaster101 Podcast
Coaster101 has been a source for theme park news, reviews, interviews, engineering breakdowns and more for over 15 years. Now, finally, we've figured out how to record ourselves, and are coming at you in audio form! Follow us on all social media platforms @Coaster101, and visit www.coaster101.com for more. The Coaster101 podcast is property of Coaster101.com, LLC.
Podcasting since 2020 • 162 episodes
The Coaster101 Podcast
Latest Episodes
Coasting The Country With WGN's Marcus Leshock
As the self-appointed "Roller Coaster Bureau Chief" of WGN-TV in Chicago, Marcus Leshock has seen it all, including a Double Rollback on Top Thrill "Cubs"ter at Cedar Point following a Cubs World Series win many years ago. This week...

Discovering The Meadows at Kentucky Kingdom with Logan Sanderson
Kentucky Kingdom is a park with a storied history - and they've recently announced one of the biggest investments in park history - the retheming of an area of the park, now known as Discovery Meadow. Three new rides, 10 reimagined rides. Two n...

2025 at SFOG & Carowinds with Chris Foshee
On episode 14 of the podcast, we interviewed Chris Foshee about all things social media. Now, five years and 146 episodes later (don't do the math, making a weekly show is tough!) - Chris is back, where he's now Regional Manager of Public Relat...

Ozarkly Is Fitting Adverb For Silver Dollar City
If you follow theme parks on social media, you'll notice that a park in the Ozarks is built just a little differently. Interspersed with the "Buy your Season Pass Now" and "Hey, we're opening soon" graphics, you'll find a healthy dose of memes ...